IB - International Baccalaureate Courses (Natrona County High School)


NCHS logo- top text: Natrona County High School; Bottom text International Baccalaureate

What is the IB Diploma Programme?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program at Natrona County High School offers a comprehensive, rigorous two-year course of study for highly motivated students in grades 11 and 12, culminating in a diploma (providing requirements are met) recognized and respected by universities worldwide. IB students are provided a balanced education that promotes international understanding and appreciation. The IB Program emphasizes the development of the whole student physically, intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. Through their participation, IB Diploma Candidates acquire the skills and discipline required to be successful both in college and in the highly competitive world beyond.

The Curriculum
Students interested in the IB Programme should communicate with their counselor at NCHS prior to the start of the student’s freshman year.  The IB Diploma Programme requires seven (7) courses per year to earn the diploma. Courses will be taken in 6 areas: Language, World Language, History, Science, Math, and the Arts.  Students will also take Theory of Knowledge and be required to complete CAS (creativity, activity, and service) experiences and an Extended Essay. The IB Diploma is recommended for high-achieving students who score in the 80th percentile or above on standardized tests.

Students take written examinations at the end of the programme, which are marked by external IB examiners. Students also complete assessment tasks in the school, which are either initially marked by teachers and then moderated by external moderators or sent directly to external examiners. The marks awarded for each course range from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest). Students can also be awarded up to three additional points for their combined results on the theory of knowledge and the extended essay. The diploma is awarded to students who gain at least 24 points, subject to certain minimum levels of performance across the whole programme and to the satisfactory completion of the Extended Essay and of CAS experiences. Assessment is criterion-based, which means student performance is measured against pre-specified assessment criteria based on the aims and objectives of each subject curriculum rather than the performance of other students taking the same examinations. Statistically, the range of scores that students have attained have remained stable, and universities value the rigour and consistency of Diploma Programme assessment practice.

International Baccalaureate Certificate Track
Students also have the option to register and test in any number of individual IB subject areas. Many students register for individual core or elective IB classes to meet their academic goals.

IB Plan 

Grades Course Titles 
9th Grade English I Advanced
  Physical Science Advanced
  US History Advanced
  Geometry H
  Spanish or French
  Freshman Physical Education
10th Grade English II Honors
  Scientific Research & Design
  Modern US History Honors
  Algebra II H
  Spanish or French
  Physical Education
11th Grade IB  Language A I (English)
  IB History I
  IB Biology or IB Chemistry or IB ES&S
  IB Pre-Calculus
  IB Language B (Foreign Language)
  Theory of Knowledge Jr
  (6th Area or Financial Literacy)
12th Grade IB Language A IV H (English)
  IB History II
  IB Biology II or IB Chemistry II or IB ES&S
  IB Math A &I or IB Math A & A
  IB Language B (Foreign Language)
  Theory of Knowledge Sr
  (6th Area or Financial Literacy)

Students taking Algebra I in 9th grade will need to either or take both Geometry and Algebra II during 10th grade.

Graduation requirements also include a second full credit of Physical Education and a full credit of Financial Literacy. 

Higher Level Exams: Standard Level Exams: Other Requirements:

1. IB Language A IV

1. IB Math A & I or A & A

Extended Essay

2. IB History 2. CAS
3. 3.  

Higher Level: Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Foreign Language (Spanish or French)

Standard Level: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Systems & Societies, Psychology, World Religion, Foreign Language (Spanish or French), Art, Anthropology

Further information can be obtained from Brandi Ramage, brandi_ramage@natronaschools.org